
Mi's oft geeky sewing blog

Monday, October 26, 2015

Misc Catch Up Pics pt 2!

Now for some random pics from Oct!

I just planted more a few weeks ago, I didn't realize they can be sort of a year round crop here. So, excited for that.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Misc Pics Catch Up!

Realized it's been a bit since a posted! Part of the fault is I started using instagram in... August I think and so my random pics go there and I forget to put them here. Also I still haven't done anything about my camera :/ I know that it's me not wanting to face if all those pics really are gone ;_; But... I really should find out.

Anyway, so I tend to take random housey pics on my ipad mini anyway. So here's some pics from September! I'll do October in another post.

This was probably one of my last batch of refrigerator pickles, my cucumbers fiiiinally gave up the ghost a few weeks ago (no joke, I must have gotten hundreds from those plants!) and I pulled them up and planted chard, beets, and carrots there.

Lots more after the break!

Friday, October 9, 2015

Farewell Green/White Regency Shoot

Man I've been meaning to post these for ages. But for various reasons never got around to it.
Anyway! Last year I was thinking, really four Regency dress is a bit much when I have two more planned, so I decided to sell my first one.
Doris was awesome and did a photoshoot for me so I'd have lovely photos to use for etsy. It sold, right when I was getting ready to post it and signal boost, but the pictures turned out so nice I wanted to post them anyway!

We shot at Gamble Gardens in Palo Alto, and my sister Elizabeth did my wig and makeup so that Doris could take some good shots for her portfolio.

More after the cut!