
Mi's oft geeky sewing blog

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Gallifrey - Part Two

Part two! Aka, Saturday! I got semi into costume in the morning then went down to walk around before the Paul McGann interview.


THIS KID. So perfect, and then the head tilt. Parents, you’re doing a good job. Adorable, while freaky.



We all went down to Froggy’s for Oscar to buy his photo with Piper and me to get the UNIT one for Sunday, and ran across this very good Ten, then because I was not in costume and doing the “tourist” thing I took a picture with him XD I have *never* done that before! I felt really silly but whatever, it was an experience yes?

Anyway, pictures bought, it was off to the McGann interview, where he watched Night of the Doctor for the first time. And I realized… okay so, when Night of the Doctor came out, I had to see it right then but was at work, so watched it with the volume suuuuuper low and as such didn’t hear most of it and was making up my own story. I did see it later with sound, but I liked my dialogue better, so actually I’d forgotten how it really went! So it was like watching it for the first time, with bonus McGann. He said it was cool. And I don’t know how he manages it, but the way he says “cool” is… sophisticated? 

Then I stuck around in the same room for the “Re-UNITed” panel <3


THE CUTEST. I love them all so much ;_;


Richard Franklin, talking about how he was originally more a one-shot character.


John Levene has the most charming smile, I love this man.


Katy Manning’s crazy face <3


So then Manning switched to sit between Levene and Franklin, and that couch was really hard to get a picture of, but I wanted one of them all together, so this was the best I could do.

Omg when they started talking about Pertwee and Delgado and Levene and Manning were all tears and memories I thought I was going to start bawling right there.

This group, I don’t even know how to describe it, they just exude joy and kindness and love and happiness. They are just all wonderful human beings.


Well then I went to McGann’s signing

: McGann

And brought my photo from last year or the year before (uh… when was that…?).
That smirky face.
Then to the room to change!


I took one last pic of my hair, I really liked those braids…. before sacrificing them:


I did like them…

 Anyway, gobs of makeup later, I went down to “Doctor Who: The Wilderness Years” panel, talking about the years there was no Who on the tele (basically a huge Big Finish plug).


And saw this lovely femme Six! I have a feeling I’ve met her before…? Time test...ium? Or something like that ;_; here on lj.
Super cute though.
Then off to Cornell signing!


(augh, I ironed the coat but… sitting in it cause giant wrinkles ;_;)

 Shalka Signed

I got this photo, taken by Scott Sebring in… 2011? signed :D


Us Alt-Doctors have to stick together. Also, look how freaky I look with flash 8D (non-flash version on my flickr).

Then omg *fabulous* Black Guardian!



This is one of those costumes I’ve always wanted to do because it needs to be done, but now I can rest easy, because it was done fabulously.

Then took this quick cellphone picture before semi de-robing and going to the Young Justice panel (my semi de-robing was to swap out the coat for my standard velvet blazer, which looked a bit waiter-ish but oh well).

The YJ panel was fun! Lots of great personalities.

Then Oscar & I were picked up and went to dinner, and when we came back he took some very lovely photos of my Shalka Doc, which I will post separately, and we hung around a bit and talked to random people, and was told by Tony Lee I was the first Shalka Doctor he’d seen and nice job, so that was nice, though it must have been a ships in the night thing because this coat has been worn at Gally for the last three years, just on different people. Anyway! End Saturday!

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