Little bit of post-crossposting to kick off my blog, so things that are future tense actually already happened!
May 18th there's a Regency Ball
celebrating the 200th anniversary of Pride & Prejudice to which I'm going. Nervous about the dancing bit, but lots of lovely ladies in Regency wear?
Naturally I wanted to make something new, so I bought
this saree but when it came it was quite a bit lighter and also the stripes weren't variegated. I had planned on pairing it with a blue, maybe like a dark royal blue or something a bit peacocky. Anyway, with the colour it actually was I couldn't think of a good blue to pair with it. I thought a pale yellow or a pale pink would do well with it, but since I really don't care for yellow, pink it was.
So at my local Super Joann there's this muslin that's suuper fine and see through and floaty and makes me think of Regency right away.
I didn't go to the Super Joann. I went to another because it was on my way somewhere on a Friday night and I really wanted to get started
that weekend. I bought the finest muslin I could find, thinking I had misremembered the fabric, and some light pink RIT dye. Several weeks later while at my Super Joann I found that I hadn't misremembered, the other Joann just didn't have it and boo I was already way too far along to start over. Boo impatience.
Anyway, I wanted a suuuuper pale pink, so I did like... 1/8th of the recommended amount of dye. It turned out pretty bright 8D I don't even know.
Right so! My inspiration dress:
Here on pinterest (Augh since the update I can't get the embed link to work
Take a good look.
Now forget all the details.
'Cause that's what I did pretty much.