Anyway, for Wonder Con this year I flew down to LA on Friday afternoon, and stayed the night with my lovely twin-chan, Miss Molly.
We had dinner disappointment, there used to be an AWESOME ramen place by her, which has been closed for some time now, but still makes me sad. So she told me of this other place which was Japanese-Italian fusion and she thought I’d really like… we drove over, and closed!
We did end up with ramen though :D But not as awesome as the other place ;_;
We watched more Witchblade (it was like Gally, redux!) but… I fell asleep on the 2nd episode (okay, maybe it was the first).
For Sat, the plan was to sleep in, have a leisurely breakfast, and head out around 10-11. But since we’re both used to waking up a little early, our “sleep in” was 7:30. So we had an EXTRA leisurely brekkie :D And then we decided to do makeup there, instead of at the hotel room… and omg, makeup always takes longer than expected! So even with getting up early, and being all ready and such, we ended up leaving later than planned 8D
But the hotel was ready for us, and Bon had gotten in about 15-20 minutes before us, so we just went up and started dressing.
I wish I’d thought to take a picture of my makeup without the wig. I need to not doubt Molly, but woooow, it looked like a major drag queen with my own hair (platinum blonde with pink and blue streaks at the time). Once the darker wig was on though, it balanced out :D

The story of this costume!
Maria Hill in the comics is basically modelled after Bon, so it had to happen. I agreed to be Black Widow on the condition I wouldn’t have to do anything but buy a body suit. So all accessories (even the shoes!) and wig and such are Bon’s :D
So Saturday was Marvel day!
I resized all of these at home instead of on photobucket, so hopefully they came out a little cleaner 8D
So anyway, we walked around mostly, and looked at stuff 8D
We went over to the stairs where we'd taken Tintin pics on a previous year.
But this time the stairwell was locked, so we had to make do.
Our way of making do was to climb on things.
And sneaking (so, so sneaky with them orange tips...)
Then we did some solos, and I gotta confess here I've not read ANY Black Widow comics, this was all for Bon XD So I was like "What do I doooooo"
But Bon always looks classy ;_____;
And while we were taking those photos, a Winter Soldier just haaaappened to be passing by!
So that was fun.
We went to go the the 75th Batman anniversary panel, we showed up about and hour and a half early, and while I didn't underestimate its popularity, I did sort of forget how much smaller the halls are at WC versus SDCC. And forgot to see what the panel beforehand was. So they were already at capacity and probably 80% of those people would stay and there was quite the line, so we didn't bother.
I probably bought some art this day.
Then in the evening we changed and walked over to Downtown Disney for Bon to pick something up at the Sephora there.
And I feel like we must have eaten around this point! But all I can remember is sitting in their uber fancy Starbucks for a long time complaining about how all our feet hurt XD Also I got a venti water. That was exciting.
Oh! I remember now, there were foodtrucks! Lots of them :D And we ate while we walked over there.
Sunday was DC day!
Sunday~ We all woke at a reasonable time, makeup-ing took forever again, we checked our luggage into bag check, and then to the con!
Today Bon was Zatanna and I was Black Canary :D
So Bon had decided to be Zee awhile ago and I had nooo idea what I wanted to do, then I settled on being Bruce Wayne and just wearing a suit and doing my hair black. But theeeen I had a flash of inspiration, fishnet twins 8D
And I'd wanted to do Black Canary for awhile, AND I used up stash for it, so win-win!
I actually used up 4 yards for this, not that you can tell looking at my stash ;_;
A yard of leftover pleather, and a yard each for the jacket shell, jacket lining, and flatlining.
This pic taken at the end of the day sadly.
Also, end of the day? And this is when I saw that when I crouch (a pose I'd been doing all day....) it bags rather unflatteringly. Must fix that before SDCC. It looked fine and super fit when I'm standing up straight D:
But look at these lovely ladies, so classy!
Omgggggg this family!
I love it so much.
Lego movie :D
Oh somewhere in here Molly and I went to a DC panel that was very nice and informative, even though I wanted them to talk about the new Grayson series and they didn't ;_;
Ripley with baby aliens ;_; People are so clever.
Yeah so, need to fix this and get better pics!
I don't remember who took this photo ;_; But thanks!
And so ends Wonder Con!
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