Though! My latest costume, Black Canary, was all scrap! I feel a little accomplished for that.
I made a bag in between the owl one I posted earlier and this one, from the same really cute tutorial. I was going to post that bag now, but I didn’t take very good pictures so I’ll need to take some more.
The one step I wasn’t keen on for that lunch bag tutorial is that in order to catch all the seam allowance and create an enclosed seam the top stitching is wider below the brim than it is above it. So for the second bag I left a gap and did the whole flipping it inside out thing, and then top stitched… this will make more sense when I post those pics. Well for the 3rd one I decided to do that again, only this time to also catch the cover in the topstitch, because I like that look better (for all the time anyone spends looking at the inside…).
Yeah okay, that wasn’t explained that well, for my next bag I’ll take pic of the process.

This bag was made for my sister using scraps leftover from a quilt my gramma made her.
Quilt and bag~!